Naija Yellow Catalogue is an online directory where all businesses in Nigeria are registered
and can be searched for by people who need their service.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
GetJob 1.0
This is a website that helps in getting job as a freelancer,
it connects clients with developers that have the skill set to
get the job done.
HTM, CSS, Bootstrap
Lexitar Solutions International 3.0
This is the third version of a project for a software company that deals with developing
of websites, applications to solve major problems faced by Humanity.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Lexitar Solutions International 2.0
This is the second version of a project for a software company that deals with developing
of websites, applications to solve major problems faced by Humanity.
Lexitar Solutions International 1.0
This is the first version of a project for a software company that deals with developing
of websites, applications to solve major problems faced by Humanity.